# RKS: IS BEING FAIR ... REALLY LOVELY - Tanning Or Tone? (I)

# RKS: IS BEING FAIR ... REALLY LOVELY TANNING OR TONE? (I) RKS / 2024-2025 / Ser 5 / Blog 2 1st June 2024 DISSECTING FAIRNESS CREAMS SKIN TANNING & COMBATING Dear Reader, The global ‘fairness’ products market is valued at USD 10 billion (₹ ~80,000 crore). The market in India is estimated to be worth nearly ₹ 5,000-10,000 crore and the average growth rate in the last two decades has been a healthy (sic) 20%. It is not only the Indians who are fanatic for looking ‘fairer’, the people of Nigeria and Ghana rule in this regard. This is evident from the list of top 5 countries whose population are frequent users of various fairness-related skin products globally. Table: Country populace opting for skin color reducing by using various available agents - top 5 countries. Although fairness of skin is most s...