
# RKS: IS BEING FAIR ... REALLY LOVELY - Tone Or Tanning? (II)

  # RKS: IS BEING FAIR ... REALLY LOVELY TONE OR TANNING? (II) RKS / 2024-2025 / Ser 5 / Blog 3 1st July 2024                                              DISSECTING FAIRNESS CREAMS THE DAWN OF SKIN BRIGHTENING CREAMS ERA Dear Reader, Tanning is essentially the skin's response to increased melanin production after exposure to sunlight, creating a darkening effect. Skin tone, on the other hand, is the surface skin color which is determined by a dynamic genetic mechanism. Fig:  World regions and distribution of skin tone. Since South-east Asia and Africa host significant clusters of people with a darker skin hue, the population of these countries always desire for a fairer skin so as to be able to integrate better with the rest of the world where towards all the migration occurs. The surge in the Indian cosmetic market size of USD 8 bn (₹ ~64,000 crore) is mainly accounted by products that intend to modify skin tone. The global cosmetic market is USD 375 bn but India’s share is mere

# RKS: IS BEING FAIR ... REALLY LOVELY - Tanning Or Tone? (I)

  # RKS: IS BEING FAIR ... REALLY LOVELY TANNING OR TONE? (I) RKS / 2024-2025 / Ser 5 / Blog 2 1st June 2024                                              DISSECTING FAIRNESS CREAMS SKIN TANNING & COMBATING Dear Reader, The global ‘fairness’ products market is valued at USD 10 billion (₹ ~80,000 crore). The market in India is estimated to be worth nearly ₹ 5,000-10,000 crore and the average growth rate in the last two decades has been a healthy (sic) 20%. It is not only the Indians who are fanatic for looking ‘fairer’, the people of Nigeria and Ghana rule in this regard. This is evident from the list of top 5 countries whose population are frequent users of various fairness-related skin products globally. Table: Country populace opting for skin color reducing by using various available agents - top 5 countries. Although fairness of skin is most sought after by the Asians and Africans, the whole world clamours for products which are for either: (a) skin lightening; (b) skin whitening

# RKS: THE EVOLUTION OF EATING HABITS - Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner & Beyond

   # RKS: THE EVOLUTION OF EATING HABITS BREAKFAST-LUNCH-DINNER & BEYOND   RKS / 2024-2025 / Ser 5 / Blog 1 1st May 2024                                                        MEALS DISSECTED DRIVERS FOR CHANGING MEAL PATTERNS Dear Reader, Lunch/brunch/dinner root is mēl (with a long E, for you phonics heads out there), and even in its early days in English just meant "an occasion" or "a particular time." Over the centuries, "meal" came to first mean that special occasion at which a family or a group of bonded individuals sit down and eat. The names used for specific meals in English vary, depending on the individual's culture, the time of day, or the size of the meal. An appointed time for meal originated in 1200 BCE. However, it was much later, i.e. that is in 1865 that a 'Meal Ticket' was issued which literally meant entry to a dining hall. 'Meal-on-Wheels' terminology was first introduced in 1947 when mobile food delivery servic


  # RKS: EXERCISE CAN SPELL HEALTHY MORTAL LIVING OR MORTALITY BE WARNED OF THE FITNESS FANATICISM  1st April 2024 DISSECTING THE ART OF PHYSICAL FITNESS - A FINE-TUNED CRAFT THE PITFALLS ANALYZED BEHIND RECENT CALAMITIES  Dear Reader, Over the past decades, we have witnessed an increasing proportion of society engaging in ultra-endurance events, which are well in excess of the health-promoting exercise recommendations.  Table: Names of some popular celebrities who passed away whilst gymming. In recent times, there has been a hue and cry regarding the reported drastic rise in gym-related deaths each year, with the majority being attributed to sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). In fact, 80-85% of all sudden deaths are heart-related - sudden cardiac deaths (SCD). In today's context, SCD is become the most common cardiac concern amongst all heart ailments. Graph: Incidences of SCD vs other cardiac maladies. It would be intriguing to analyze the bare underlying reasons for such a catastrop