# RKS: MYSTIC HEALING - Healing When All Hope Is Lost!



1st July 2022



Dear Reader,

Overall 21% of population have chronic diseases. The distribution is 29% for the urbanites and only 17% in the rural population. The more intellectual and more wealthier is the Indian the higher is the suffering from chronic diseases. Why??

Disease chronicity is the challenge given by the Almighty. Can those intellectually wealthy find their way out from defying health bottlenecks? These such profiled more likely play a game of chess and question and microscopically rationalize options and Mystic Healing is beyond their sound reasoning.

Remember, the disease is chronic because neither the modern science knows the cause and / or nor has the options to cure with current medicines, gadgets and allopathy-centric medical professionals. 

When the chronic disease strikes, the dice has been caste on the health board and it is one's outlook whether he or she can climb the ladder to escape out or be swallowed by the snake in the attempt.


Chronic disease means any illness that has defied cure and generally persisted for at least one year, or has limited activities of daily living, or both.

Many health affections can assume chronicity but the commonest amongst the top ten include cardiovascular, dementia, diabetes, arthritis, asthma and cancer.

Most of these chronic affections change the course of one's life journey in terms of joy of living, gainful employment, family bliss besides the everyday fun-n-frolic being adversely impacted. There are only 2 options now before such unfortunately challenged patients - accept the verdict of the Almighty and rely on their modern health provider to maintain an acceptable well-being, or else battle the catch-22 situation in life with what-so-ever available or known or guided alternative options and emerge victorious. 


Chronic diseases can be challenging to manage. But, being an allopath, the sincere advice is never to substitute modern medicines with alternative approaches for especially 5 otherwise life-threatening conditions or grave illnesses.

  1. Cancer - the only chronic yet allopathy-management defying
  2. Diabetes
  3. Heart affections
  4. High blood pressure
  5. Infections - usually not a chronic ailment

All of these above-mentioned should never be experimented with alternatives at the expense of discarding proscribed treatment measures. With the exception of cancer, all the other mentioned chronic conditions are now smoothly manageable with modern medicines. Hence, alternatives-seeking for cancer is legit and logical but the same could be an add-on depending on the nature and stage and grade of cancer, and treatment efficacy / safety of advocated specific anti-cancer drugs. 


There are faith healers and mystic healers. Faith healing is a method of treating illnesses through the exercise of faith rather than medical methods. What then is mystic healing?

Mystic healing is a practice wherein ANYONE could realize and begin to understand how the door magically and effortlessly opens when one knocks.


The term "mysticism" is derived from the Greek word μύω múō, meaning "to close" or "to conceal". The meaning of the word 'mysticism' has undergone numerous revisions from the Hellenistic era (death of Alexander to emergence of Roman empire), through the medieval times, and in the early modern period. 

The 19th century defines meaning of mysticism as a defence against the growing rationalism based on individual experiences. This is why the healing ways of the gifted mystic healers can never be explained nor should be questioned. This is the very basis why rural India has 1.5 times lesser chronic affections than the every inquisitive and 'Google - Doctored' urbanites.


Tantra, as per the Indian tradition, means any systematic broadly applicable "text, theory, system, method, instrument, technique or practice". The word 'tantra' originated during the middle of the first millennium of the Christ Era (CE). 

Tantric technics or spiritual practices (sadhana) include:

  • Bijas: Mantras that use one-syllable sound in meditation & yoga (like: 'OM')
  • Dakshina: Donation or gift to one's teacher (e.g. of Dronacharya & Ekalavya)
  • Diksha: Experiencing happy feelings with initiated sacrifice (as in Jainism)
  • Dyana: Meditation
  • Kundalini Yoga: Performing yoga with chanting, singing, breathing exercises and repetitive poses
  • Mandala or Yantra or Zendala: Geometric patterns and symbols which promote focus and healing
  • Mudra: Specific hand, eyes or body postures which promote healing by locking energy
  • Nyasa: Touching various body parts by so-labelled enlightened Rishis (Seers or Sages: Sanskrit equivalent for those having divine vision) whilst chanting mantras
  • Puja: Religious worship
  • Yatra: Pilgrimage
Tantrics are those who execute or facilitate any of the above practices. Tantrism is practiced for fostering attainment, but is more invoked for sexual gratification; mystic healing, on the other hand, is focussed on addressing chronic diseases.


There are many little known mystic treatment options.

  • HOLISTIC Healing: Holistic healing is the root of all medicine. The ancient practice of holistic healing is based on treating the whole person: mind, body, spirit and heart. Holistic healing seeks to maintain or restore balance among (and within) the various dimensions of the individual. Chinese medicine is one of the most well-documented forms of holistic healing that goes back as far as 2,200 years ago.
  • REIKI: A Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation, Reiki also promotes healing. Also known as Usui reiki, it was Dr Mikao Usui who created this mystic therapy in the early 20th century.
  • YUEN - ancient 5,000 year-old Chinese Shaolin temple healing: Yuen is distant healing, requiring only 2 coordinates, and works by trying to find the root cause of pain or illness, be it physical, emotional or spiritual. GEETHA PADMANABHAN based out of Singapore has earned a reputation in Yuen healing.
  • BodyTalk: Developed by Dr John Veltheim in the early 1990s, BodyTalk was first practiced in Australia (Brisbane). It is a safe, non-invasive and effective therapy that corrects energy imbalances within the body which, in turn, leads to improved health. There is also an International BodyTalk Association (IBA) based in Florida (US) which says it all for the widespread popularity of this mystic healing option. BodyTalk is also distant healing and Dr SURESH DUGUR based out of Pune, India is an avid practitioner. 
  • MindScape: Also pioneered and crafted by Dr John Veltheim in the early 1990s, MindScape healing is a subset of BodyTalk technique. BodyTalk stimulates the body's innate (inherent) ability to balance and heal itself whilst MindScape teaches the participant to tap into faculties of his or her own's creative and intuitive mind, which is not normally so accessible to one in everyday life. 
  • HYPNOTHERAPY: Although it was Franz Mesmer, a German physician who developed mesmerism in the 18th century, the term hypnosis was introduced in the 1840s by a Scottish surgeon James Braid (1795-1860), who believed the subject to be in a particular state of sleep - a trance. 
Mystic healing should not be confused with Faith healing or Spiritual healing which involves practice of prayer and gestures and invoking divine interventions for healing since faulty stars, angry Gods, unfinished business of ancestors, etc. are blamed. Faith healing is frequently the resort of those having mental illnesses.


In my life's journey there have been three skirmishes of a close kind with mystic healers - all renowned, well-followed and successful. Even the end-outcomes for the maladies that they were personally approached for have met with huge successes.


The Goud family has been distributing the 'fish prasadam' free of cost for the last 175 years for asthma. The secret formula for the herbal medicine was given to their ancestors in 1845 by a saint after taking an oath that it would be administered free of cost.

After knocking on all the doors of Allopathy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda and even changing resident city, my asthma was grave enough to prevent breathlessness-free walk even for 100 meters! Thanks to openness of mind I welcomed the 'fish prasadam' 27 years ago. It was miraculous and after 5 years of restriction in daily life activities I was even able to play gruelling tennis for over three decades - sans the need of tablets and even inhalers! This is not my biased personal experience, the  approximate 5 lakh suffers from all over India, and even overseas, gather each year for the 24 hours (around 8th June) available mystic cure option. Even ALL my motivated patients had lessened consultation requirement for acute episodes after availing of the 'fish prasadam' option - never ever admitted even one patient for asthma over 40 years in clinical practice!

8th June every once in a year - minimum 3 years - 45 days restrictions in diet - FREE


Dr Yeshi Dhonden was a Tibetan doctor who practiced traditional Tibetan medicine for especially cancer management, and served the 14th Dalai Lama from 1961 to 1980. Stationed in the hill station of Dharamshala (Himachal Pradesh, India), Dr Yeshi Dhonden was honoured in 2018 with the Padma Shri, the fourth highest civilian award in India. He was a foremost expert and proponent of Sowa Rigpa, which is a traditional Tibetan medicine system created as a combination of the ancient healing systems of India and China. Dr Yeshi Dhonden practiced till 2019 when he retired due to failing health. 

After the sad demise of Dr Yeshi Dhonden (encircled) at the ripe age of 92 years, Dr Choephel Kalsang (circled inset) continued with the Dharamshala-based cancer managing centre on similar lines.

I had the personal privilege of meeting Dr Yeshi Dhonden himself in Dharamshala whilst accompanying a relative patient whose treating oncologists had predicted a possible balance survival life span for another half year or so because of his lung cancer. Dr Yeshi Dhonden was very awe-inspiring - no knowledge of Indian or English languages - just tested urine personally (only observation and smell) by mere stirring the container containing urine with a tree wig - studied all scans & MRIs thoroughly and discussed the same with assistants - prescribed and dispensed suitable Tibetan herbal pills. The concerned patient enjoyed good and symptom-free health, much to the surprise of the treating oncologist, and even survived for close to two years - and it was not the cancer spread which ultimately rang the death bell! 

Single visit to Dharamshala - medicines couriered thereafter - restrictions in diet - nominal fees


There was also one strange experience with so-referred as 'Dungarpur - ka Baba', a tall fully white-robbed humble-appearing gentleman with a somewhat divine glow on his face. Although he was acclaimed to have all-round healing powers, I was taken aback with his confidence in removing clots for blood vessels. One of my patient had one medically insignificant, and angiographically established, block in heart artery; the 'Baba' was not informed that it was medically not troublesome enough obstruction of artery to have required a heart bypass surgery. On examining, the 'Baba' assessed there was no clot requiring removal, and when confronted that he was incorrect he asked for the angiogram to check! Remember him as one mystic healer who used to tell patients to double-check if angiography also confirms removal of the block after he has so-removed the clot!

Single visit to Dungarpur - no medicines - voluntary donation by camp organizers only - NO MORE ALIVE


Hypnotherapy types include the following:

  1. CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPY: Practiced in clinical setting where medical conditions are treated.
  2. SUGGESTION HYPNOTHERAPY: Direct suggestions are the main focus of this type of hypnotherapy i.e. 'You Will Stop Smoking'.
  3. ERICKSONIAN HYPNOTHERAPY: this encompasses Indirect Suggestions, Metaphors & Story Telling i.e. 'You might wish to discuss the alternatives to smoking if you are ready to do so'.
  4. HYPNO-PSYCHOTHERAPY: This is the domain of a qualified psychotherapists who has training and certification in hypnotherapy.
  5. HYPNOANALYSIS: Identifying the root cause via inducing trance and then breaking the bridge with negative associations is the basis of hypnoanalysis therapy.
  6. COGNITIVE HYPNOTHERAPY: When the problem is more of a psychiatric in nature - the mind and not body organ complaints, cognitive type of hypnotherapy is more appropriate.
  7. PAST LIFE REGRESSION: The basis is linking of past life events to the current concerns.
  8. SOLUTION FOCUSSED HYPNOTHERAPY: If a hypnotherapist is goal oriented in their practice, then they are practicing solution focused hypnotherapy. 
  9. SELF-HYPNOSIS: In today's era of technology, self-hypnosis can be practiced from the comfort of one's home by devoting dedicated time and identifying a suitable script from the web.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is not a type of hypnotherapy, but another technique that hypnotherapists practice and helps people help themselves reach a state of ‘excellence, happiness and state of mind’. NLP is a learning model devised by Dr Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California (US) in the 1970s.

Clinical Hypnotherapy is practiced by my close friend and colleague SHRIHARSH KAUSHIK based out of Mumbai who has convincingly elaborated examples of how many different types of illness including allergies, chronic refractive pain, sleep disorders, etc. he has managed successfully. 


India is a land of mystic healers. Mystic healing is a powerful aid that is suitable to everyone regardless of their levels of exposure or acceptance or experience in meditation or spirituality. One's faith, spiritualism, religious practices and beliefs notwithstanding, the right mystic therapy could benefit each and everyone. All one has to do is keep the intelligence in brain aside, as well as 'reasoning' locked up!

In India, one in four people are likely to die of a chronic disease. Apparently the best modern medicine has been unsuccessful in curing and 25% of population has to bear with the physical tormenting of an ailment and the mental burden of a cursed living till one's last breath. If there is to be a change in scenario one should endeavor to seek and hope discovering light at the end of a dark tunnel with alternative available and well-guided options. Only positivity in attitude and a no-stone left unturned effort can ever bring respite when a chronic disease strikes. 

The alternative health healing methods are all there and mystic healing could provide an answer when all explored 'pathies' have been disappointing. However, one should not blindly seek solace in any 'Tom-Dick-n-Harry' alternative therapy. There should be truly a well-recommended option, backed by many experiences, or anecdotes, and largely devoid of huge financial implication (a factor that would substantiate genuineness). For example, the 'Fish Prasadam' in Hyderabad is completely free but there are masquerading distant relatives or friends or associates who visit nearby states such as Maharashtra and Gujarat and charge for administering the same during the very precise period! 

Not all mystic healing options could be suitable or recommendable as a generic approach in chronic diseases. The best suited must be thoughtfully chosen, but then, once opted for, given a fair try without ifs and buts. It all depends on the wisdom and openness of one's mind and thoughts which will determine the willingness to look beyond conventional medical treatment for seeking better relief or more favorable outcomes in chronic diseases.  

Anyone who benefits for mystic healing following the blog following must acknowledge the role played by one of my dear friend Manoj Bolur's daughter Sagorika Das based out of Singapore. Her relentless pursuit of alternative therapies for all maladies, and enlightening me on many of these has enabled exemplifying many mystic healing therapies. I was particularly convinced when she facilitated Yuen healing on one of our close buddy, himself a doctor (and unknown to him), who after being diagnosed with prostate cancer (over half a decade ago) eventually fought his way out fighting fit and is back to medical practice and his usual routine devoid of any scars!


Prophesied Enabler

Experience & Expertise: Clinician & Healthcare Industry Adviser  


  1. While we do know that modern medicine does not , as yet , provide a healing solution for all illness, we still have some kind of trust in it. Its because it comes out of extensive research, well documented and available for peer review. It also has to go through regulatory checks and approval process. Lastly, its practised by people, we call as doctors , who go through rigourus educational curriculam and training.
    Having said this, most of these so called alternative treatment or healing methods have, as yet , no credible researched evidence, no documented data or any regulatory norms from at least few scietifically developed nations. Even worse there are many charlatans who profess to have these capabilities. Sadhus and sants of all hues, to quacks and some with great charisma propagate treatments methods that have absolutely no scientific basis not has it been put to test on its ability to cure. Most of these use religious mumbo jumbo, using Sanskrit words to impress and convince ordinary people about its efficacy.
    There is no data or evidence of the chronic diseases being ever cured by any of the methods mentioned by you , in public or regulatory domain. There is no data on the harm it can also cause. Everything is heresy and faith based.
    One is not against new forms of treatment if it is made to go through the same rigorous research and trials , review and regulatory checks. Modern medicine has done that and it has done it in a manner that its knowledge is available to ordinary people ( to learn and practice).
    It is not right to propose to and influence people with chronic illness to opt for such treatment method. That they may choose to do so is their decision but modern medical professionals definitely must not lend authenticity to that. Its harmful.

  2. Thanks for recognizing the efforts to find answers for difficult medical situations. It inspires me further.

  3. In this universe influenced by beliefs and religions and practices, only the die-hard atheists want proof of every aspect, event and happening. In the medical field when the disease is defying and options are faded, fence-sitting and awaiting evidences could result in attaining Valhalla.


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