# RKS: MYSTIC HEALING - Healing When All Hope Is Lost!

# RKS: MYSTIC HEALING - HEALING WHEN ALL HOPE IS LOST! 1st July 2022 UNWILLING OPTIONS WHICH STICKY PATIENTS MISS NOTABLE MYSTIC HEALERS Dear Reader, Overall 21% of population have chronic diseases. The distribution is 29% for the urbanites and only 17% in the rural population. The more intellectual and more wealthier is the Indian the higher is the suffering from chronic diseases. Why?? Disease chronicity is the challenge given by the Almighty. Can those intellectually wealthy find their way out from defying health bottlenecks? These such profiled more likely play a game of chess and question and microscopically rationalize options and Mystic Healing is beyond their sound reasoning. Remember, the disease is chronic because neither the modern science knows the cause and / or nor has the options to cure with current medicines, gadgets and allopathy-centric medical professionals. When the chronic disease strikes, the dice has been caste on the health board and it is one's outlook wh...