# RKS: COVID-19 - Understanding The Fatalities vs The Morbidities


Understanding The Fatalities vs The Morbidities

1st May 2021


Dear Reader,

The (novel) corona (nCoV) pandemic is the scourge for this generation, including for their loved parents, and even grandparents. Physical measures such as lockdown, mask up and social distancing could have warded off the 1st wave but once these restrictions were waived off, or disobeyed, the 2nd wave of COVID-19 was but imminent.

Besides, the obvious, few of the contributors to the 2nd wave have been:
# Asymptomatic, and hence blissfully unaware, super spreaders - there being no mandatory periodic RT-PCR testing imposed for each & everyone!
# Unwillingness to undergo RT-PCR testing - unreasonable fear of false positive results! (although only 5% is the chance!)
# Individual with compromised immunity - vaccination drive yet incomplete OR shunning supplements or consuming insufficiently active nutraceuticals, herbals, home-remedies OR critical herd immunity (70% population possessing antibodies) yet not attained!
# Blatant violators of basic medical precautions - personal beliefs, socio-cultural followings or political compulsions!

The result of the above is the tsunami of cases during the 2nd COVID-19 wave.

MORBIDITY - 2nd Corona Wave in India

Can we imagine that ONE out of 6000 Indians have been infected each day during the peak of the 2nd wave? This is indeed vary scary - it seems that none of us have been spared the agony of having someone in one's own family (if not himself / herself), or immediate relative or friend being afflicted by COVID-19! 


The answer lies in higher transferability of the virus! In the 1st wave the SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) positive person could infect 30-40% of contacts - in the 2nd wave this has risen to 80-90%. Meaning that, if we were to be in physical closeness to a COVID-19 patient, or a carrier, there is only 10-20% chance that we will be lucky enough to escape the disease!  

Unlike the 1st wave, this 2nd wave affects:

# More young adults than senior citizens - because they are yet unvaccinated?
# More Indians with no co-morbidities are infected - because those with co-morbidities are already better protected with vaccines?
# Even children are not spared in this wave - high infectivity and combined attack by 3-4 strains of SARS-CoV-2 is taking its toll on the age bracket of 0-19 years olds.

FATALITY - 2nd Corona Wave in India

There are buffoons who have tried their best to downplay the gravity of coronavirus pandemic. Another mere flu-like illness is what they profess! Those who have not suffered, or had a calamity amongst family members, or near and dear friends, echo the same thoughts. The reality is otherwise:

# No recent disaster has killed over 3 mn people worldwide in such a short period of time!
   - The world's 10 deadliest natural disasters in the last 20 years have all put together killed            0.94 mn people.
   - AIDS killed 2.4 mn over last 3 years.
# Till middle of April 2021, 1.75 lakhs Indians died of COVID-19!
   - In comparison, near 80,000 died over the last 2 decades due to natural disasters in India.

In the first fortnight of April 21, over 500 people have died per day, and this has doubled to 1,000 daily in the second half of April 21 - 60% increase as compared to 1st COVID-19 wave.

Shall we accept this as our fate lying down? Can there be a way to circumvent the same?

MORTALITY - Can it be Curtailed?

There is a strong case that the death rate could be a direct outcome of the treatment advised and / or solicited. The statistics quantify death rate as 0.5-1% but, God forbid, if that 1 out of 100-200 patients who die is one of our own then ...? As a treating Medical Professional, I see each patient as my very own and would dare leave a stone unturned to ensure a safe emergence from the COVID-19's snare.

Remember we have a VIRUS trying to create a havoc. My recipe and thought process is thus akin to 'precision bombing': 

1. When symptoms are suggestive of infection with nCoV (SARS-CoV-2) it is advisable to initiate treatment such that the viral load is reduced in anticipation: first salvo with Doxycycline / Azithromycin + Ivermectin which are both acknowledged in this regard.
2. If the awaited RT-PCR is positive, immediately consider ADDING the specific antivirals like favipiravir tablet.
3. If CRP is raised steroids, in taping amounts, are the need of the hour - depending on the diabetes control; it is warranted keeping blood sugars in control simultaneously.
4. High D-Dimer necessitates 4 weeks oral anticoagulants therapy to be initiated immediately.
5. The supplements need to be continued for complementing health benefits of whatever medicines being taken. 

All the blood markers to be monitored periodically and according drug started, new ones added or subtracted. The Chest HRCT is a guidance to the damage caused, or otherwise, and the intensity could foretell the COVID-19 diseases course. A repeat CT at suitable interval will indicate the progress or regress.

If mortality is to be curtailed, and fatalities due to COVID-19 minimized, use of patriotic missiles needs to be superseded by cruise missiles. SARS-CoV-2 has initiated a biological warfare against us and ballistic missiles firing can only be the way out. 


Have seen so many forwards on advice to sufferers refraining from taking any drugs except vitamin C and zinc and home remedies and claims of dozens of cases even responding! What needs to be ascertained is how many of such patients required hospitalization ultimately and / or became critical? 

My motto is to prevent the disease from taking a grip of the patient - the secret lies in throttling the virus in the bud itself. Have seen patients being advised to start antivirals only if the symptoms worsen!!! We have a confirmed viral infection and Medical Professionals want to refrain from giving antivirals to the sufferers? What contrasting irony can there ever be? If the available antiviral options for COVID-19 are so useless their use should indeed be banned! 

God forbid if the patient treated sans antiviral becomes critical because the virus gains a strong foothold then he is besieged with the dreaded cytokine storm. Now the family has to run from pillar to post searching for the elusive, scarce and rationed remdesivir and tocilizumab, besides having to fight for his / her life. Fence-sitters and observers - having nil affected near & dear one, including the medical fraternity members, harp on the stupidity of advocating these two drugs. Their general prophecise is that remdesivir and tocilizumab are ineffective and even their respective companies claim so! It is only to be seen what their hearts would tell them when someone near & dear is in dire state on account of COVID-19 infection. For that matter, the WHO has released a statement saying: 'the evidence did not prove that remdesivir has no benefit;' against SARS-CoV-2 [WHO Guideline Development group (BMJ Newsroom)]. The underlying implication is very clear but there are those who prefer seeing the empty half of the glass even in these trying and challenging times!

One of my close friend, Mr Menon, was given 2 antibiotics simultaneously but the treating pulmonologist refuse to consider prescribing an antiviral as a rational regime! 

I can only comment: Dark is the nation and insane the king - 'Andheri Nagari Chaupat Raja.' 


India has not invaded first any country in the last 1,00,000 years of its existence. Let us not make the same mistake against the deadly bug called novel coronavirus and then be made to fight for our very existence on day-to-day basis for a seemingly long period of time to come, as always been the case before!

Stay Safe 
Stay Fortified.
Unleash Full Might Chemical Warfare to Nullify Biological Warfare.
Fight Overcome the COVID-19 2nd Wave Fatalities

Prophesied Enabler
Experience & Expertise: Clinician & Healthcare Industry Adviser


  1. Useful . A course of medicinal intervention well presented. However, emotional justification for treatment should have been best avoided in a situation where people are even otherwise engulfed with fear. The jury is still out on use of some drugs and also many practicing doctors who have treated scores of covid patients , feel some of these are not needed, though they advise close monitoring.
    Lastly, the problem of covid management in India is accentuated due to complete failure of Government and administration. Its has been each one left to himself.

    1. Many thanks for your prompt revert. The medical management has much to contribute to the eventual outcome rather than political will or otherwise. Most importantly, the medical management is also based on strong beliefs derived from practices and biases. This could also b e applicable to self.

  2. Very useful information .well collated information.

    1. Many thanks for acknowledging. Presume and hope the merits of proactive management percolates further via your conviction.

  3. Doc you are spot on with what all contributed to the 2nd wave but blaming saying “restrictions were waived off or disobeyed” is a little too much.

    Though no one has a crystal ball, still would love to know where do you see this going now?

    1. Thanks for put forth your views and beliefs. Maybe you cold have a point of view however how else could one explain the onset of second wave? There has to be some reason. It cannot be God or Government - induced. Need to ponder.

      We are in amidst of a war and we can call truce only if we tackle the root cause! Crystal ball is for Magicians.

  4. Excellent advice by Dr Sanghavi it is better to be Proactive than Reactive , needless to say Prevention is better than Cure.
    Based on my experience as a positively infected patient, RTPCR reading of 14, age 62+, not good health conditions, regular reader of articles, as mentioned in the blog and treated under guidance of Dr Sanghavi, aggression is required from the beginning and treatment strategy has to change proactively. If you wait and watch, you will be ambushed. The virus is known to play guerilla tactics.
    It is better to be treated with known drugs as against relying only on Vitamins as body and vitamins may have limitations in the encounter.
    Thanks for the blog. I will share it.
    Diwyesh Dave

    1. Many thanks Mr Diwyesh Dave for sharing and concurring with the rationalised thought process pertaining to COVID-19 management with a view to minimising hospitalisation and associated hassles and fears. I always believe those who are affected, including close family members being infected, will more likely believe in an Israeli-like retaliation for any or all guerrilla attack by the coronavirus. Those who are yet protected by the Almighty will continue to be Covidiot cheerleaders.

  5. UnknownMay 1, 2021 at 7:01 AM
    Very useful information .well collated information

    Many thanks for the revert and positive feedback. This stimulates us to make more efforts to bring forth and dissect many other contentious issues.

  6. Nice information and assessment Sir.

    1. Many thanks for the revert. We bloggers would be looking forward to such assessments and suggestions to better next time. Take Care & Stay Safe.

  7. Dear sir,,, Thank you 🙏 for you ALCOBOT invention ,

    I am using home made alcobot
    Inhaler ler by guidence on watsup video,,,I am 50years old it's really working every day once I am using it how effective is it sir ? Can we use for kids age group of 6 years to 15 years,,, please assist sir

    1. ALCOBOT seems to be an effective means to ward off coronavirus that has entered the nose, sinus and mouth or upper airways. It's use is akin to washing hands with sanitizer. As explained, alcohol vapour inhalation is not a new substance for our air passages since when one drinks alcohol, the same is removed from the body via the lungs itself. There are many articles published and even studies done - including one underway in US.


      Stay Safe with ALCOBOT.


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