1st December 2020

Dear Reader,

Steam is liquid water in gas phase. When water is heated to 100 degrees (°) centigrade (C) it is converted to steam. Thus, steam is formed by boiling or evaporating water. Steam can be categorised as:
  1. DRY STEAM: When water is heated beyond its boiling point what is generated is termed DRY STEAM.
  2. WET STEAM: When water droplets are present in steam it is called as WET STEAM. This is also referred to as WATER VAPOUR.


There is a popular belief, in-keeping with the Indian setting of mind, that gargling / drinking warm water and steam inhalation can ward off the novel coronavirus - so-referred, and as causative of current pandemic. Slightly superheated steam may be used for antimicrobial disinfection. However, usually what has been termed useful for clearing nose and throat and respiratory tract is actually 600 mg of warm steam delivered over a 10-minute period - this can maintain temperature of 38-40°C for approximately 15 minutes underneath the mask. Whether the same mechanics can help achieve goal of novel coronavirus invasion we need to understand the virus' behaviour and factors facilitating or detrimental to its existence.

The word “virus” has its roots in the Latin term for “poison.” Virus is basically inactive and consists of nucleic acids [deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA or ribonucleic acid (RNA)] enclosed in a protein coat that shelters these (novel coronavirus contains RNA only). When the virus enters a cell (of humans), it sheds its coat, bares its genes and induces the cell’s own replication machinery to reproduce the intruder’s DNA or RNA. The newly created viral bits assemble and, voilà, more virus arises, which also infect other cells.

Viability facts are:
  • Novel coronavirus remains viable in air within droplets for up to 3 hours. 
  • With respect to various surfaces, novel coronavirus remains viable for up to 4 hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard, up to 72 hours on plastic and stainless steel, and maybe up to 9 days on metal and glass.
Detrimental factors are:
  • Novel coronavirus multiplies at temperatures of 33-35°C.
  • Novel coronavirus can be killed at temperatures above 56°C AND only when the same is maintained for 15 minutes minimum.


  1. DRINKING WARM WATER OR ITS GARGLING: Novel coronavirus that are hiding in the sinuses cannot be eliminated by either drinking, or gargling with warm water.
  2. STEAM INHALATION: This entails inhalation of DRY slightly superheated steam, which at normal atmospheric pressure, has temperature exceeding 100°C. The novel coronavirus can be definitely killed but so also will the cells of air passage lining get destroyed at such high temperatures; in fact, besides scalding of exposed skin, even death can be the outcome within few minutes when dry superheated invisible steam is inhaled on account of suffocation caused due to consequential obstructing of oxygen supply.
  3. VAPOUR INHALATION: In common parlance steam inhalation being done actually is mere inhalation of steam vapour. This is a mixture of steam and liquid water (>5%) and hence called as WET steam. Usually what is advocated, and taken, is vapour steam inhalation of 20 minutes and having a temperature of 42-44°C which is comfortably tolerable and effective enough to dispel congestion of airways. BUT, HENCE, THE NOVEL CORONAVIRUS CANNOT BE KILLED BY COMMONLY RESORTED TO VAPOUR (STEAM) INHALATION SINCE THEY REQUIRE TEMPERATURES ABOVE 56°C FOR THEIR ELIMINATION! Vapour inhalation can merely stall further multiplication of the novel coronavirus.


Ethyl alcohol or ethanol vapours had been suggested for eliminating novel coronavirus. Inhalation of alcohol vapours for just 30 seconds has recently been documented to denature (destroy the proteins) enveloped viruses and thereby postulated to ward off infectivity of novel coronavirus.

Study: Possible use of alcohol vapors by inhalation in the treatment of COVID-19 in clinical ill patients.
Saif ul Islam. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Immunology 2020; Volume 9 No 10.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2319-2003.ijbcp20204099

In fact, surprisingly, a PIL has been filed in Supreme Court of India, seeking issuance of guidelines for the approval of 'Alcohol (Ethanol) Inhalation Therapy for the treatment of Coronavirus'. The Petitioner has asked to issue directions from the respondents which are – the Centre, World Health Organisation (WHO), Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) and Centre Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) (regulatory body of India).

Alcohol inhalation is very simple to take. No boiling or heating and no complex gadget required as for steam inhalation. Take a non-reactive glass bottle with a lid. Put sufficient quantity of any close to 60% concentrated whisky, rum, vodka or bourbon and make two holes in lid just tight enough to pierce large-diameter couple of straws. Ensure one straw’s end remains above surface of alcohol whilst the other one’s is immersed inside below the layer of whisky, rum, vodka or bourbon. Breathe in by pulling air from the unsubmerged straw held sufficiently ABOVE the layer of liquid alcohol; the air from outside atmosphere will be 'pulled in' via the straw immersed WITHIN the layer of alcohol inside the bottle - and this whisky, rum, vodka or bourbon laced air will enter inside the air passage. Then allow the air inside the lungs to exit via the nose by blowing out into the SURROUNDING atmosphere by keeping the mouth closed. This whole process will ensure that alcohol coats the passages of the mouth, throat, windpipe, and nose + sinuses (too on its way out). The whole process is akin to taking a puff from a misthaler which allergy / asthma patients are usually accustomed to.

It is advisable to restrict inhalation of alcohol vapours for 30 seconds at a time and not more than twice such in a day. Any alcohol, if deposited in the airways after the procedure, is eliminated via natural breathing out of air. Remember the lungs are natural organs to excrete alcohol which one drinks and thus the airway passages are not being exposed to any alien substance. However, those driving need to exercise adequate relevant caution, and the above procedure is strictly not recommended for those in whom alcohol is not agreeable or is taboo.

There are ways and means for natural prevention of the so-dreaded novel coronavirus but blind faith and beliefs and acceptance of unproven or un-fathomable measures can only be disappointing in the long run. One needs to understand the basis on a logical scientific platform regarding what options to exercise if adequate safety and / or risk mitigation is to be ensured.

Stay Safe.

Prophesied Enabler
Experience & Expertise: Clinician & Healthcare Industry Adviser


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