# RKS: STEAM INHALATION vs VAPOUR INHALATION 1st December 2020 Dear Reader, Steam is liquid water in gas phase. When water is heated to 100 degrees ( ° ) centigrade (C) it is converted to steam. Thus, steam is formed by boiling or evaporating water. Steam can be categorised as: DRY STEAM: When water is heated beyond its boiling point what is generated is termed DRY STEAM. WET STEAM: When water droplets are present in steam it is called as WET STEAM. This is also referred to as WATER VAPOUR. NOVEL CORONAVIRUS There is a popular belief, in-keeping with the Indian setting of mind, that gargling / drinking warm water and steam inhalation can ward off the novel coronavirus - so-referred, and as causative of current pandemic. Slightly superheated steam may be used for antimicrobial disinfection. However, usually what has been termed useful for clearing nose and throat and respiratory tract is actually 600 mg of warm steam delivered over a 10-minute period - this can maintain temperatur...