# RKS: SUPERBUGS (IV) - The Real Reasons vs Perceived Causes

# RKS: SUPERBUGS (IV) THE REAL REASONS vs PERCEIVED CAUSES RKS / 2024-2025 / Ser 6 / Blog 6 1st March 2025 BUGS BECOME SUPERBUGS THANKS TO DOCTORS & PATIENTS & DRUG REGULATORS Dear Reader, Antimicrobials have revolutionized patient cure prospects. On an average, 30-50% of patients visiting a general practitioner are prescribed an antibiotic. Why? There are 3 reasons why someone, who is apparently healthy, thinks he / she is unwell enough to visit a doctor: Headache Cold and cough Loose motions Two of the above 3 are caused by infections. Then how can antimicrobials be blamed for being unnecessarily prescribed by the medical professionals? And why would Drs prescribe antibiotics unnecessarily if their intent is to treat patients based on their clinical evaluation and diagnostic skills? If one suspects the abilities of their doctor to best treat their disease, the perception is subjective and there is every freedom for the patient to switch the expert as in any ...