# RKS: BUGS & ANTI-BUGS (I) - Basics On Infecting Bacteria & Killer Drugs

# RKS: BUGS & ANTI-BUGS (I) BASICS ON INFECTING BACTERIA & KILLER DRUGS RKS / 2024-2025 / Ser 6 / Blog 3 1st December 2024 MICROORGANISMS INFECTING HUMANS UNDERSTANDING ANTIMICROBIALS & THEIR CAPABILITIES Dear Reader, A bug is microorganism and could be a virus, bacterium, fungus or a parasite. There are: 10 nonillion (1 followed by 30 zeroes in US and 54 zeroes in Great Britain) viruses on earth. 5 nonillion bacteria present on the earth. 2.5 million (mn) fungi species on earth. 1-3 lakh parasite species on earth. Infection-related deaths reported globally are 13.7 mn in 2019 of which bacterial-related mortality accounted for 7.7 mn. Out of every 8 patients dying, 1 is on account of bacterial infection! Hence, bacteria are the most dangerous bugs for mankind. One gram of soil holds 40 million (mn) bacterial cells whilst 1 mL of fresh water has 1 mn of these squirming in the liquid. Humans also harbor bacteria under normal circumstances a...