HIGH LDL! ... ALWAYS STATINS?? - Dissecting LDL As Never Before

# RKS: HIGH LDL! ... ALWAYS STATINS?? DISSECTING LDL AS NEVER BEFORE RKS / 2024-2025 / Ser 5 / Blog 4 1st August 2024 WHY sdLDL MOST ATHEROGENIC? A GUIDANCE FOR GUIDING THE GUIDES Dear Reader, The 'bad' cholesterol (C) is the low density lipoprotein (LDL) particles floating in the blood. This is more than a well-known fact and details relevant to this have been elaborated in the September 1, 2023 blog titled: # RKS: THE 'BAD' CHOLESTEROL - Is All LDL-Cholesterol Dangerous? Going one step further, how does the LDL-C subtype levels influence the need for statins. This is indeed a tricky question and the same could even be countered by the medical professionals from their over-concerned dyslipidemic (suffering from abnormalities in lipid profile) patients. LININGS OF BODY There are two linings for the body: EPITHELIUM: The coverings of body that are exposed to outside environment such as respiratory and digestive systems have linings called epithelia. ENDOTHELIUM: T...