# RKS: THE EVOLUTION OF EATING HABITS - Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner & Beyond

# RKS: THE EVOLUTION OF EATING HABITS BREAKFAST-LUNCH-DINNER & BEYOND RKS / 2024-2025 / Ser 5 / Blog 1 1st May 2024 MEALS DISSECTED DRIVERS FOR CHANGING MEAL PATTERNS Dear Reader, Lunch/brunch/dinner root is mēl (with a long E, for you phonics heads out there), and even in its early days in English just meant "an occasion" or "a particular time." Over the centuries, "meal" came to first mean that special occasion at which a family or a group of bonded individuals sit down and eat. The names used for specific meals in English vary, depending on the individual's culture, the time of day, or the size of the meal. An appointed time for meal originated in 1200 BCE. However, it was much later, i.e. that is in 1865 that a 'Meal Ticket' was issued which literally meant entry...