# RKS: VEGETARIANS & VEGANS (IV) END-GAME - NON-VEGETARIANISM 1st March 2024 CUT CARBS DREAM TO REVERSE DIABETES Dear Reader, Only three macronutrients can give calories - proteins and carbohydrates (carbs) and fats. The other 3, namely vitamins and minerals and water are of ZERO calorific value. One consumes daily in meals: Macronutrients: 500 gms / day Micronutrients: 20.3 gms / day (minerals: 20 gms; vitamins: 300 mg) Indians drink 8-10 glasses of water daily i.e. 1.5-2.0 litres (minimum required to prevent dehydration is 1.5 litres per day). That means one consumes throughout the 24 hours 1.5-2.0 kgs of water. All this sums up to an average of 1.8 kgs of intake of food and water per day. Graph: Weight-wise split of daily consumed water and food nutrients. Thus, in terms of contributing to body mass macronutrients dominate since these not only constitute 22% of what we consume daily, but also provide calories for energy and storage, if consumed in excess. Therein lie...