# RKS: THE 'BAD' CHOLESTEROL - Is All LDL-Cholesterol Dangerous?

# RKS: THE 'BAD' CHOLESTEROL IS ALL LDL-CHOLESTEROL DANGEROUS? 1st September 2023 DO STATINS REALLY PROTECT AGAINST LDL ACQUAINTING WITH CHOLESTEROL & LIPOPROTEINS Dear Reader, Cholesterol is a bug word for the layman. Nearly 40% of adults have high cholesterol, and this lipid form is responsible for 4.5% of total deaths in the world. The medical professional always is on the lookout for the concentrations in blood for its carrier, namely, LDL-C i.e. low density lipoprotein cholesterol levels since the same is a known harbinger of all diseases associated with blood vessel blockages like heart attacks and paralytic stroke. But LDL is like a jail that has the cholesterol captured within it. Just like all prisoners are not harmful, including those violent, can never cause havoc in Society until they are released, the same is with the cholesterol till it remains entrapped within the LDL molecule. It makes an interesting study to be aware of the fine differences even amongst th...