# RKS: CANCER SCOURGE - The Silent Lurking Life's Game-Changer

# RKS: CANCER SCOURGE THE SILENT LURKING LIFE'S GAME-CHANGER 1st June 2023 THE NITROSAMINES COULD BE THE CONCERNING ENEMY BEWARY OF WHAT YOU CHOOSE TO EAT & DRINK Dear Reader, How many of us have lost a near and dear one because of cancer? Many of such 'victims' were leading a 'pious' life sans vices. When even no family history of malignancy, then why would cancer strike? There are over 200 types of cancers known and over 185 countries in the world have recorded cases of malignancies (synonym for cancer). One crore or 10 million (mn) die of cancer each year, and the disease is responsible for 1 in 6 deaths globally. Cancer is never determined by only one, precise factor, but instead by epigenetic (changed genes) meaning outcome of interaction between genetic and environmental, dietary and lifestyle circumstances. Can we arrest the tide of cancer is the moot question. For this one needs to take cognisance of ground realities and re-assess our lif...