# RKS: COMPENDIUM OF DIETS - A Diet Guide At Click Of Key
# RKS: COMPENDIUM OF DIETS - A DIET GUIDE AT CLICK OF KEY 1st April 2023 CAPTURING 150 DIETS TABULATED ALPHABETICALLY Dear Reader, The word ‘diet’ is the 6th most googled nutrition word after ‘fitness’, ‘health’, ‘vitamin’, ‘calorie counter’ and ‘weight loss’. Concerns regarding weight loss remain the second most common googled questions. Without much ado there are 150 diets globally followed, or ever practiced, are being provided in an alphabetical sequence. A to D ... E to I ... J to N ... O to R ... S ... T to Z ... CONCLUSION Body weight can impact health markers like blood pressure and cholesterol, but making weight loss the end-all-be-all goal can never be an ultimate strategy. Everyone is aware that there are many non-obese people dying as well. Surprisingly, in a sample size of near 4,000 individuals analysed, 49% of those dying due to any cause were non-obese! [BMC Public Health 2021; 21: 50] Fretting and fuming about being overweight per se has no relevance ...