# RKS: A PLETHORA OF DIETS - Meandering Through The Maze Of Diets

# RKS: A PLETHORA OF DIETS - MEANDERING THROUGH THE MAZE OF DIETS 1st March 2023 CLASSIFYING DIETS CHARTS GALORE Dear Reader, William the Conquerer grew so fat that he had problems mounting his horse. When he fell off and landed head first, he had to pretend he was kissing the ground in joy to save him from embarrassment of his obesity-related impedance. William gave up food and went on a drinking man's diet - all he consumed was alcohol. This was the world's first liquid diet and appeared around 1066 A.D. The first actual diet book came out in 1558 and is still in print. Luigi Cornaro, the author of the book "The Art of Living Long," was an extremely overweight Italian who, when unable to have sex, limited himself to 12 ounces of food a day and 14 ounces of wine. Cornaro lived to be almost a hundred years old, and toward the end of his life, he only ate egg yolks. Dr. Lulu Hunt Peters, an American doctor (1873-1930) who once weighed 100 kgs (220 lbs) herself, was...