# RKS: IS THE SKILLED DR BEING SIDE-LINED BY CORPORATISED HOSPITALS? - Are Skilfully Marketed Corporate Hospitals Superseding The Expertise Of Doctors In Battle For Cure?

# RKS: IS THE SKILLED DR BEING SIDE-LINED BY CORPORATISED HOSPITALS? - ARE SKILFULLY MARKETED CORPORATE HOSPITALS SUPERCEDING THE EXPERTISE OF DOCTORS IN BATTLE FOR CURE? 1st November 2022 DOCTORS vs HOSPITALS CHOOSE THE RIGHT DR EVEN AT EXPENSE OF DISREGARDING A REPUTED HOSPITAL Dear Reader, Doctors and hospitals are all about getting well. One is sick and hence the need of the hour is to get treated by a doctor at a hospital. See the sequence - treatment by a DOCTOR at a HOSPITAL. So who will cure the patient? The Doctor or the Hospital?? ENDING OF AN ERA T raditionally when one is unwell he / she approaches the friendly family General Practitioner (GP) doctor for advice. The GP usually manages most illnesses unless there is evidence of criticality. In such cases, he / she guides the patient to the best specialist as per his / her knowledge, experience and feedbacks garnered. The patient too trustingly seeks advice as per the GP's directive and ...