# RKS: MEDICAL FRATERNITY'S JARGON - Disease Explainable To Lullaby Patients' Queries

# RKS: MEDICAL FRATERNITY'S JARGON - DISEASES EXPLAINABLE TO LULLABY PATIENTS' QUERIES 1st September 2022 PATIENT GLEEFUL - HEALTHCARE PROVIDER ELATED A TRUE WIN - WIN Dear Reader, How many of us, our near and dear ones, needed serious medical attention which only a Medical Professional can provide? Statistics reveal that averagely 2.7% of Indians are hospitalised in a year i.e. over 3.5 crore Indians require critical medical attention each year. 430 crore medical consultations are sought by Indians on a yearly basis - roughly 3 medical doctor interface per year by every Indian averagely! Indians are ranked the highest visitors of medical information sites on internet and if their score is 100, the closest are Pakistanis and UAE nationals at 40! Thus, the medical profession is now, as never before, on a continuous state of high alert since they are expected to convincingly answer all patients' queries emanating out of googled medical condition and its management options. I...