# RKS: FACE-OFF WITH FEAR - An Endeavour To Understand Fearfulness vs Fearlessness

# RKS: FACE-OFF WITH FEAR - AN ENDEAVOUR TO UNDERSTAND FEARFULNESS VERSUS FEARLESSNESS 1st May 2022 FEARFUL - FEARLESS - FEARSOME The Rule Of Brain Dear Reader, People’s everyday life seems profoundly emotional: each human has experienced at least one emotion 90% of the time. There have been listed overall 27 emotions in humans. (https://www.countryliving.com/uk/wellbeing/news/a2454/27-human-emotions-new-study/) The top 3 most central emotions are joy, followed by satisfaction, and sadness. Fear is the most dreaded emotion and the negativity associated it is inescapable. Although an everyday featuring emotion, the ranking of experiencing fear is 15th in females and 17th in males. EMOTION TYPES Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt (1832-1920) is a German Physiologist, Philosopher and Professor who opened the Institute for Experimental Psychology at the University of Leipzig in Germany. He, and not the famed Sigmund Freud, is the acclaimed Father of Psychology and...