# RKS: ABOUT VACCINES & PROTECTION - Special Reference To Preventing Novel Coronavirus Infection

# RKS Blog: ABOUT VACCINES & PROTECTION - Special Reference To Preventing Novel Coronavirus Infection 1st November 2020 Dear Reader, The world has never awaited before with bated breath for a scientific breakthrough, and the Pharma companies have never ever struggled against time, for a vaccine to be introduced against SARS-CoV-2 (novel corona) virus that causes the dreaded COVID-19. The very purpose of dreaming of vaccinating the 7.8 billion living souls on the planet 'Earth' is the wishful desire of all - excepting possibly the 1.4 billion who abetted the spread of the current pandemic! The purpose of a vaccine is to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide (ON-GOING / long-term) immunity against one or several diseases. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) vaccination can be achieved in 2 ways: NATURAL INFECTION: The antibodies produced as a result of suffering an infection itself builds up a defence against future attack by bacteria and viruses....