
# RKS: ADRENALINE DRIVE - Influence Of Aging

   # RKS: ADRENALINE DRIVE  INFLUENCE OF AGING RKS / 2024-2025 / Ser 6 / Blog 1 1st October 2024 ALL ABOUT ADRENALINE ADRENALINE RUSH vs DRIVE Dear Reader, Adrenaline, also referred in American textbooks as epinephrine, is a hormone which is secreted by two adrenal glands. These glands are also referred to as suprarenal glands since they reside above each of the two kidneys. Exciting, dangerous and stressful situations lead to secretion of adrenaline. Fig: Adrenal glands location. The adrenaline drive is all about risk-taking and thrill-seeking behaviour of an individual. Aging leads to a decline in the manufacturing of adrenaline. It would therefore be interesting to understand how adrenaline dictates one's personality and personifies an individual's behaviour and attitude especially when it pertains risk-taking ability and decisions. SYMPATHOADRENAL SYSTEM The 3 parts of the nervous system are: Brain protected by skull Spinal cord covered within the backbone Nerves present al

# RKS: MITOCHONDRIAL UNCOUPLING - A Lesser Known Weight Loss Mechanism

  # RKS: MITOCHONDRIAL UNCOUPLING  A LESSER KNOWN WEIGHT LOSS MECHANISM RKS / 2024-2025 / Ser 5 / Blog 5 1st September 2024 DUAL FUNCTIONING OF MITOCHONDRIA ATP MFG. + THERMOGENESIS Dear Reader, Mitochondria are responsible for creating more than 90% of cellular energy which is necessary for the body to sustain life and support growth. Lying free within the body of all cells – except for red blood corpuscles / cells (RBCs) – mitochondria uniquely contain their very own deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The powerhouse not only energizes the muscles and other tissues but also ignites combustion of end-products of carbohydrates (glucose) and lipids (fatty acids) to burn away extra calories. It is but interesting to understand this complex syncing of mitochondrial activity within the human cells. CELL PARTS An average person harbours 30 trillion cells in his / her body on an average. Each cell has three main components: CELL MEMBRANE: This outer lining of cell is also referred to as cell wall .

HIGH LDL! ... ALWAYS STATINS?? - Dissecting LDL As Never Before

  # RKS: HIGH LDL! ... ALWAYS STATINS??  DISSECTING LDL AS NEVER BEFORE RKS / 2024-2025 / Ser 5 / Blog 4 1st August 2024 WHY sdLDL MOST ATHEROGENIC? A GUIDANCE FOR GUIDING THE GUIDES Dear Reader, The 'bad' cholesterol (C) is the low density lipoprotein (LDL) particles floating in the blood. This is more than a well-known fact and details relevant to this have been elaborated in the September 1, 2023 blog titled: # RKS: THE 'BAD' CHOLESTEROL - Is All LDL-Cholesterol Dangerous? Going one step further, how does the LDL-C subtype levels influence the need for statins. This is indeed a tricky question and the same could even be countered by the medical professionals from their over-concerned dyslipidemic (suffering from abnormalities in lipid profile) patients. LININGS OF BODY There are two linings for the body: EPITHELIUM: The coverings of body that are exposed to outside environment such as respiratory and digestive systems have  linings called epithelia. ENDOTHELIUM: Thes